Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Hi, my name is Hillary, and I'm a blog-a-holic

Seriously, the title says it all. I'm addicted to reading and writing blogs! I didn't see this coming. I used to check them every couple of days to see what you lovely ladies were up to... but now I'm checking for updates at least twice a day. Oy vais. But it's fun and I appreciate being welcomed into the blogging circle:)

Last night Ben had a migraine so I was on my own in moose country (Medway) with my favorite northern Maine fella's (the Medway fire department). We altered the schedule a bit last night... skipping a Tuesday the week of the fourth of July, and perhaps adding an additional class in August. I tried to push for family services, but they really wanted to add Disaster assessment. We could really use more caseworkers up there. They're a really fun bunch of flannel clad guy guys- they keep me on my toes and we certainly have our laughs. I think they're a bit more than mildly amused that a 26 year old woman is teaching them about disasters, since they're all at least in their 40's and have been running the fire department since I was in diapers. But they are kind and care about their community, so I'm willing to overlook their slightly less then feminist perspectives.

When I got home last night, I decided to have a glass of wine (I really don't drink as much as my blog probably makes it sound like I do) and read. I got a nice copy of 'Anna Karenina' from a girlfriend on my birthday. I've set the goal to read the entire thing by the end of the summer. I'm ashamed to admit that since college, my non-red cross reading has been pretty strictly mystery novels and things from Oprah's book club. I haven't read any classic literature in years. So anyway, I snuggle into my couch with my book and my wine... and the next thing I know it, is 3am and I have fallen asleep on the couch. All the lights are on in my apartment, the glass of wine is barely touched on my coffee table, book has fallen onto the floor, and Phoebe (my cat) is sitting on the edge of the couch looking at me like I might be crazy. I chuckled and decided perhaps I need to continue reading classic literature during the day, when there is less of a chance it will put me to sleep.

The bright spot of today is wearing a new pair of linen capris pants I bought on sale this past weekend at New York & Company (my favorite store!). They are a size 8! Diet and exercise really do work! Now, I'm not going to lie, these pants quite clearly run big, because I am not a size 8, nor have I been since probably age 17. But I feel good and I'm actually feeling like I've made life changes rather than feeling like I'm constantly 'on a diet'.

Still smiling... looking forward to seeing that boy (I should probably say man, he is nearly 31) tonight. He lives about 45 minutes away, so that puts a damper on much weeknight dating. I don't want to jinx it, this is still brand new, but I'm honestly really smitten. I'm never this goo goo eyed. Ok maybe from time to time I'm goo goo eyed and girly and silly... just not recently :) I'll keep you posted on this romance... if it doesn't work out, I'm sure there will be amusing stories to come about the single life. If it does, I'll probably continue the sunshine spreading for awhile ;)

Love you both!

Monday, June 18, 2007

the glass is half full in Bangor

Maybe it's the sunshine- or maybe the euphoric feeling of a wonderful weekend- but everything seems to be going quite well today. I have a happy 'everything is going to work out' kind of feeling. I spent the day to work things that I enjoy- an AFES case, some Camp Red Cross work, organizing cases for end of fiscal year stuff, and writing two articles for a donor newsletter. Plus, during my lunch hour I ran errands all over town, and it really is a beautiful day.

My weekend was perfect. I spent time with Alyssa, a tried & true girlfriend, on Friday night. We had some wine and watched 'the Boston Strangler'. We both enjoy a scary movie from time to time, so it was fun. Saturday morning we had coffee and read the paper while laying in the sun in the park I live next too. As a sidebar--- one of the reasons I rented my apartment is because it is literally right next to a park. Ok, so I don't have a backyard or anything like that, but I open my door and see children flying kites and people walking dogs. It's pretty darn cozy. Anyway, I had a date on Saturday afternoon. I'm not going to lie... this is perhaps a heavy contributor to my bright pink positive outlook today. It was with someone who I have know for almost a year, we met volunteering and have always stayed friends. I've been sort of interested all along, but the timing hasn't seemed right and we really do have a comfortable friendship. Well, friendship no more! The date was nice, and he ended joining my girlfriends and I for the dancing adventure (it is always a good sign when boys will dance, in my experience). After that I stayed up all night long with him, talking and being completely smitten. I haven't stayed up all night in quite a long time, let me tell you. Around 9am I thought I might not make it, but I got a second wind. Anyway, I'm happy. I have no idea where it will go... I never can tell with these things. But I have had this stupid smile glued to my face for about two days. So anyway, Sunday I went home for fathers day. Also a good day, despite the complete and total lack of sleep I had. I saw my dad, who liked his gifts!!!, and had fresh vegetables from his garden for me. I also visited my grandfathers grave, who passed away last year in December. I took a card there, and was really surprised (a good surprise) to see that there were a lot of other cards from his 4 daughters and 6 grandchildren. I didn't spend much time there, because it started to rain (luckily it is the thought behind the card!). I went to see my aunts with my that afternoon, and my cousin had her 3 year old son, Grady, there. He is one of my very favorite people! Everytime I see him we are inseperable for at least the first half hour. He is so cute and so funny. I sent him some stickers today with a little card, still feeling sort of mopey (ok who am I kidding, I still have the stupid smile on my face) after leaving home knowing I wouldn't see the little peanut for another couple of weeks. Ginny and Gretchen, I will bring his most recent picture to our meeting on Friday. You won't be able to help but fall in love with him-- he is a 3 year old heartbreaker!!!

Well, that's it for me. This is nice... I never thought I would be a blogger! It's fun to share the personal stuff and read your stories, ladies. Love to you both... and Lynn if you are reading now! xoxo

Friday, June 15, 2007

sunny Friday thoughts...

Alright... for all those interested, I am now a blogger. I'm guessing that 'all those interested' is a small and select group... perhaps my loyal readers will be only the delightful (and sassy) ladies of the ARC. Luckily, I have always believed in quality over quantity.

After spending last weekend on the great disaster training adventure in northern Maine, I'm thrilled at not having any work related things to do this weekend. Of course as soon as I say that, I have probably jinxed myself. Let's stay optimistic, people ;) Tonight I'm planning to have a quiet night- Lys, my close girlfriend and I, have planned to go shopping in the late afternoon, make quesadillas in the evening, and watch 'the Godfather' with a bottle of red wine. Neither of us have ever seen this film, and are fairly excited to see what all the hype is about. Besides, what can go wrong? Good friends, good wine, a mafia flick...

Saturday the plans are much more exciting. A local club is hosting 'Coyote Ugly' night. Six or Seven of my girlfriends and I will be getting all dressed up and shaking up this little town of Bangor. The plan is to club hop before landing at the 'Coyote Ugly' destination. First, we'll see some live music, a band called 'The Whirling Dirvishes' at Carolina's. We know the guys in the band, and my friend Jen will actually be joining them for one song. After that, we go to 'Barnabys'... which we lovingly call 'the barn'. In Bangor, it's sort of known as ... how should I put this... a club where a slightly rougher and less stylish crowd goes. It's always sort of an adventure. After that, we'll go to Gemini, which is where the 'Coyote Ugly' theme night is. There are games and prizes and who knows what else. These dancing nights out with my girlfriends are like therapy for me- we are a fairly responsible group, no binge drinking or going home with strange men. But being with my ladies and laughing and dancing all night is such a comforting thing. I'm consistently reminded at how lucky I am to be surrounded by strong women- at work, in my friendships, and especially my family.

Speaking of family... Sunday I'll be heading home for fathers day. On a slightly more serious and personal note, I've been contemplating fathers day a bit lately. About two weeks ago, I went to the funeral of the father of a very close friend. My friend is 27, a year older than me, and his father died suddenly and unexpectedly. Dan, my friend, and I have been close for about 8 years. He was one of the first real friends I made in college, and our friendship is one that has been a rock for me. I went to his fathers funeral expecting to be the supportive friend for a few hours and then return to my normal life, uneffected. To the contrary... I was very moved by the entire experience. Seeing someone that I love lose a parent, someone who is my age, was very significant. I've thought about it a lot since then. So, this year, for fathers day, I'm framing some old pictures for my father. My favorite is one of him holding me when I'm a baby, probably only a few days old. I've never been a daddy's girl... from day one I have been my mother's daughter, and we're incredibly close. I don't have that same closeness with my father, but I'm hoping that he likes these photos... and that it isn't too cheesy!

Well, darling readers... that's it. Blog one. I'll try to keep it interesting. ;) Love to you both, G & G!